Wednesday, March 1, 2017

March NM Prayer Connect Newsletter

Onward Christian Soldiers,
              Rarely do we hear this hymn in church anymore! Have we forgotten that Jesus is coming back to war? In case you haven't read the book of Revelation lately, you might want to prepare yourself for what's really coming, because we are all closer now, than when we first believed.  Paul the apostle exhorted us all to put on the full armor of God and to be prepared for wrestling in the spirit world with powers and principalities, seen and unseen.  He admonished us all to pray without ceasing, so let me encourage you once again to be not weary in well doing, for we shall receive our just reward, because He is our portion, He keeps His Word and He Is Faithful & True!
              March is known to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb.  Never forget that The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah Is The Lamb Of God Who was slain to take away the sins of the world! It is He Who rules and reigns in eternity, as The Lamb and we who are the sheep of His Pasture.
              Daylight Savings Time Begins on Sunday, March 12, with St. Patrick's Day following that Friday, March 17.  It is said that Saint Patrick chased all the snakes out of Ireland, so let us give 'the serpent' his marching papers, by continuing in prayer and supplication, boldly before God's Throne Of Grace & Mercy and according to the King James translation, "Resist the devil and he MUST flee from you!"
              The Promise Of Spring Arrives on Monday, March 20, so as The Word Of God tells us in the Song of Solomon, "Arise My Love, the winter is gone!" Spring up oh well within my soul, spring up oh well and make us whole! As each and every one of us does our part, the book of Ephesians promises that God will bring us into His Fullness! Obedience always brings God's Richest Blessings! According to Holy Scripture, it is in the Spring when kings go out to war, so as kings and priests of the new and better covenant, I'm calling upon all to rise up and walk! Let's walk the walk of eternal, everlasting, abundant, resurrection, LIFE and not just talk 'the talk.' Work out your Salvation/Yeshua/Jesus and do 'the works,' which He has called you to go and do, because Jesus says, "Just as The Father Sent Me, so I AM Sending YOU!"
               If you or someone you know would like to have a prayer event in your area, please contact me.  We are planning to go to the Ten Commandments Rock in Los Lunas on the last Saturday in April, so we will get all the information out to you, regarding this event, as soon as all the details are worked out, but if you have never been to this site, I strongly suggest you leave this date open.  Thanks for your daily prayers for New Mexico, our surrounding area, nation and the world!
Mark Tross
Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect

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