Friday, March 31, 2017

April Showers Bring...?

April Showers Bring...?
Arise My Love, The Winter Is Gone!
As we enter into this first full month of Spring 2017, may we all agree & pray, Spring up oh well, within my soul, Spring up oh well & make us whole! Unity always brings God's richest blessings to His Bride, His Vineyard and heals The Land, so let us believe for God's best, because ALL Good things come down from God, Our Father, out of heaven (the heavenlies)! There's no shadow of darkness in Him, so let us walk in The Light that has been given to us. Forget the former things and catch God's dreams and visions, for the future! Petition Him to open the eyes of our hearts and allow us to see wonderful things in His Word (Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation). His Word Is Spirit & Life + He came, so that we might have This Life and have It More Abundantly! Our Father wants to not only Reign in Heaven, but on Earth, so He will send the former and the latter rains, to heal the land, if His People will humble themselves and pray, ask. Ask, Seek & Knock, Jesus says, so MAY we be found faithful in doing so, because we are called to be doers of The Word and NOT just hearers of It. This April 1, May we all be 'fools for Christ,' on the 14th, have a Good Friday and a Blessed Resurrection Sunday on the 16th!
Most by now should be very much aware of the 24/7 prayer throughout our state, because of New Mexico Prays and the passion of Pastor Caleb Cooper from Truth or Consequences, who is working diligently to bring revival to all 33 counties. Should you or someone you know want to hold a prayer event in your area, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
New Mexico Prayer Connect
Take a look at the testimonies from just some different locations that were a part of the 2016 New Years Day Sunrise Prayer Relay We hope these stories inspire others …

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