Wednesday, December 30, 2015

On The Sixth Day Of Christmas by Mark Tross

On The Sixth Day Of Christmas
by Mark Tross

     We are presently smack dab in the middle of these twelve days of Christmas, with six geese laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree (now that is a mother load).  I’m beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel here, but still finding it to be quite a stretch! Geese themselves are not mentioned in Holy Script specifically, but we do know that God created the fowls of the air on the fifth day of creation, as Genesis 1:20b says, “and let birds fly above the earth across the face of the firmament of the heavens.” Plus 21b, “and every winged bird according to its kind.  And God saw that it was good.  Verse 22b says, “and let birds multiply on the earth.” I have not personally ever seen a bird do mathematics of any kind, but I do know that they have a keen sense of direction, especially in wintertime. 

     Gold, golden, goldsmith, goldsmith’s and goldsmiths do show up in both Old & New Covenants, with everything from chains, jewels, gods, crowns, rings, overlays, candlesticks, bars (non-alcoholic of course), the ephod, wreathen works, bells, plates, taches, boards, hooks, chapiters and their fillets, the mercy seat, , cherubims, snuffdishes, reeds, cups, vials, girdles, censers, pipes, vessels, earrings, the altar, spoons, emerods, mice, calves, basins, images, the sceptre, bowls, the wedge of Ophir, gifts, idols, merchandise, streets, spoil, the head, masts, decks, ornaments, sockets, ouches, shekels, shields, oracles, lamps, tongs, talents, fleshhooks, of Parvaim, doors, nails, chambers, basons, a footstool, beaten, ivory, treasuries, chargers, drams, beds, dust, clothing, feathers, of Sheba, the furnace, apples, borders, a house full and a city, just to name a few.

     God says, “The Silver And The Gold Are Mine.” Perhaps we should take Him at His Word and not so much worry about whether our dollar is backed by the gold standard.  You don’t see too many people today worried about their asphalt investments, but The City Of God, The New Jerusalem, which is coming down from God out of Heaven, is made of pure gold and that’s what the streets are paved with.  The Bible tells us that your faith is more precious than gold and without faith, it is impossible to please God! Where your heart is, there your treasure will be, not in the balance of your savings account, the value of your car, home or whatever it is that you deem of any worth.

     There is no golden goose and the six geese in this song laying five golden rings will not buy you a stairway to Heaven, but repenting of your sins, turning away from them and towards The One Who paid the price for you, will bring eternally good consequences.  Today if you hear His Voice, harden not your heart, so you can walk on those very real streets of gold and live forever in God’s golden City!

Mark Tross
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