Thursday, December 31, 2015

On The Seventh Day Of Christmas by Mark Tross

On The Seventh Day Of Christmas
by Mark Tross

Seven swans a swimming? Yes, swans are mentioned two times in The Bible, once in Leviticus 11:18, along with the pelican and again in Deuteronomy 14:16, the second giving of the law, before entering into the promised land, along with the owl and the great owl, all of which were considered unclean or not kosher. So what’s to sing about? Peter’s vision in the book of Acts tells us that all things are now clean, before God and man, if received with thanksgiving and praise, in Christ Jesus, be it a day, whenever with the moon or your choice of food and drink, because whatever we do is to be done, as unto The Lord!

Swimming on the other hand (four fingers and a thumb) or I should say, swim, swimmest and swimmeth, are all three found in both Old and New Covenant, but I’m not quite certain that swans are actually swimming, as much as pedaling over the surface of the water. The word swim is seen in 2 Kings 6:6; Psalm 6:6; Isaiah 25:11; Ezekiel 47:5 and Acts 27:42, 43, plus swimmest is found in Ezekiel 32:6 and swimmeth in Isaiah 25:11.

For some of us, we might feel more like Hans Christian Anderson’s ‘Ugly Duckling,’ rather than a swan gliding effortlessly over the waters of a lake or a pond. Maybe you are not a swimmer at all, but could doggy paddle sufficiently to at least keep yourself afloat, although sometimes in the present world that we are living in, we are more like salmon trying to swim upstream, only to die when we reach our desired destination.

Not to worry, because in God’s eyes, we are worth more than many sparrows or swans. He so loved us, that He sent His One And Only Begotten Son to die in our stead, The One Who bid Peter to walk upon the waters of the sea, during quite a storm, which he was able to do, until he took his eyes off of Jesus, Our Salvation. The number seven in The Bible is symbolic of completion, because God created the world and all that is in it, in just six days and then rested on the seventh day, after saying it was all good, very good. Jesus says, “Come Unto Me, ALL Who Are Weary And Heavy Laden (Burdened) And I Will Give You Rest.” Don’t you want to hear Him say, “Well Done, Good And Faithful Servant, Enter Into Your Rest.” He has purchased this rest for us, your debt is paid in full, so that we can enter into eternal, everlasting, abundant, resurrection Life in Christ Jesus, so dive in, because the living water and bread of Life are fine!

Mark Tross

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