Tuesday, January 10, 2023

January 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH-NM/COG-NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter: THE DAY IS NEAR!

January 2023 NM Prayer Connect/PATH-NM/COG-NM & El Paso, TX Newsletter: THE DAY IS NEAR! PATH-NMPRAYER The Day Is Near By Grover@Christianbody.Net Last updated Jan 10, 2023 0 Share 'THE DAY IS NEAR' Brothers & Sisters In Yeshua/Jesus, What does The LORD have in store for 2023? Only HE knows for sure, but He has given us His prophetic word, His Yes & Amen Promises In Jesus and His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, to discern the times that we are living in. Obadiah 15-18Amplified Bible The Day of the Lord and the Future 15 "For the [judgment] day of the Lord draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you [in retribution]; Your [evil] dealings will return on your own head. Certainly, we are all closer to this day now, than when we first believed, but how are believers to respond to God in such a time as this? We know we'll reap what we sow and Judgement Begins At The House Of God, so let us 'examine ourselves.' Zephaniah 2:1-3Amplified Bible Judgments on Judah's Enemies 2 Gather yourselves together [in repentance], yes, gather [in submission], O nation without shame, 2 Before the decree takes effect [and the time for repentance is lost]- The day passes like the chaff [whirled by the wind]- Before the burning and fierce anger of the Lord comes upon you, Before the day of the wrath of the Lord comes upon you. 3 Seek the Lord [search diligently for Him and regard Him as the foremost necessity of your life], All you humble of the land Who have practiced His ordinances and have kept His commandments; Seek righteousness, seek humility [regard them as vital]. Perhaps you will be hidden [and pardoned and rescued] In the day of the Lord's anger. As we enter into a new year, let us more than ever, diligently seek Him, while He may be found! When the fullness of time had come, according to God's timing, He sent His Son into the world, to save sinners. What did He tell us? The Kingdom Of God is near, It Is at hand, It Is among you, It Is within YOU, but what exactly Is 'The Kingdom?' Paul says, "It Is Righteousness, Shalom/Peace & Joy In The Holy Ghost/Spirit!" Jesus tells us to ASK, SEEK & KNOCK! Ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and The Door shall be open unto you, but are we going to The Father, In His Name, representing ALL that He Is, according to His Word, Will & Way? We ALL fall short, but the time is short as well, so we must not forsake the assembling of the brethren and according to Hebrews, EVEN MORESO, AS WE SEE THE DAY APPROACHING! This year in New Mexico and in every state across America, there will be Prayer At The Heart http://prayerattheheart.org gatherings of Christians in the very center of each county. For NM that means 33 counties and 23 Tribal Nations, so we're calling ALL Believers, ALL Churches, ALL Para-Church Organizations, from Government, Media, Education, Church, Family, Military, Economy & Children In Prayer to get involved and attend these events to PRAY to ignite a great awakening through a national movement of humble, unified, desperate prayer and action, based on 2 Chronicles 7:14; Matthew 5:16; Luke 9 & 10 (especially Luke 10:18). Our vision is for 63 MILLION PEOPLE to make first or recommitments to Christ, to see a transformation of culture and society with Prayer At The Heart of EVERY Person, Family, Community and City, so in 2024 we will be in the very heart, the center of each city. As of this writing, we have 9 counties represented, with Sandoval County holding their Prayer At The Heart event at Hummingbird Music Camp in Jemez on Saturday, May 20 from 10am-2pm & Bernalillo County having their happening on Saturday, August 26 @ "BALLOON FIEST PARK," beginning at 10am, so PLEASE Pray, CONNECT (at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube + @christianbody.net on ZOOM Sundays 4-5:30pm, Mondays 6-8pm & Wednesdays 9am-12noon MT) & Help us SPREAD THE WORD! I'll leave you with a Happy New Year 2023 BLESSING ( https://www.aqueductproject.org/_files/ugd/1a4efa_6bf03a0abf534b95b23498c8785398cb.pdf ), knowing that The JOY Of The LORD Is Our Strength. We are commanded to Be Strong In The LORD & In The Power Of HIS Might, so let us be found FAITH-FULL In HIM/The Word this year, unceasingly in PRAYER for HIS Kingdom to Come & HIS Will/Way To Be Done On EARTH, as It Is In HEAVEN! If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in or around NM, don't hesitate to contact me 🙂 Shalom, Mark Tross http://nmprayerconnect.weebly.com http://www.christianbody.net http://www.christianbody.tv http://mark-tross.webnode.page http://crossculturenm.weebly.com http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com http://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com http://askthepastornm.weebly.com ​http://mark-tross.weebly.com RELATED POSTS Prayer For The Peace of Europe Jan 8, 2023 Four Corners Prayer Journey 2022 Jan 6, 2023 Prayer At The Heart Jan 2, 2023 http://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com http://marktross.weebly.com

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