Sunday, August 29, 2021

September 2021 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter!

You're ALL Invited! Shalom Sisters & Brothers, You're ALL Invited to The Marriage Supper Of The Lamb (2 Esdras 2:38-40; Luke 12:37; 13:24-30; 14:14-24; 16:22; 22:16-30; Matthew 7:7-8; 8:11; 22:2-14; 24:31; 25:10; 26:29; Mark 13:27; 14:25; John 1:18; Romans 8:23; 1 Corinthians 11:26; 2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13; Hebrews 10:25; 1 John 4:12; Revelation 2:7; 19:6-9; 21:4; 22:4-5), but you MUST Respond Wisely to This Invitation or you will perish! Yes, it's obvious that Many, MANY are going the way of destruction, rather than The Way of God, but the wages of sin, because of disobedience to God Is Death, which takes us to: REVELATION 19 1 AFTER THIS I heard what sounded like a mighty shout of a great crowd in heaven, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! Salvation and glory (splendor and majesty) and power (dominion and authority) [belong] to our God! 2 Because His judgments (His condemnation and punishment, His sentences of doom) are true and sound and just and upright. He has judged (convicted, pronounced sentence, and doomed) the great and notorious harlot (idolatress) who corrupted and demoralized and poisoned the earth with her lewdness and adultery (idolatry). And He has avenged (visited on her the penalty for) the blood of His servants at her hand. [Deut. 32:43.] 3 And again they shouted, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! The smoke of her [burning] shall continue to ascend forever and ever (through the eternities of the eternities). [Isa. 34:10.] 4 Then the twenty-four elders [of the heavenly Sanhedrin] and the four living creatures fell prostrate and worshiped [paying divine honors to] God, Who sits on the throne, saying, Amen! Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! 5 Then from the throne there came a voice, saying, Praise our God, all you servants of His, you who reverence Him, both small and great! [Ps. 115:13.] 6 After that I heard what sounded like the shout of a vast throng, like the boom of many pounding waves, and like the roar of terrific and mighty peals of thunder, exclaiming, Hallelujah (praise the Lord)! For now the Lord our God the Omnipotent (the All-Ruler) reigns! 7 Let us rejoice and shout for joy [exulting and triumphant]! Let us celebrate and ascribe to Him glory and honor, for the marriage of the Lamb [at last] has come, and His bride has prepared herself. [Ps. 118:24.] 8 She has been permitted to dress in fine (radiant) linen, dazzling and white–for the fine linen is (signifies, represents) the righteousness (the upright, just, and godly living, deeds, and conduct, and right standing with God) of the saints (God's holy people). 9 Then [the angel] said to me, Write this down: Blessed (happy, to be envied) are those who are summoned (invited, called) to the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he said to me [further], These are the true words (the genuine and exact declarations) of God. 10 Then I fell prostrate at his feet to worship (to pay divine honors) to him, but he [restrained me] and said, Refrain! [You must not do that!] I am [only] another servant with you and your brethren who have [accepted and hold] the testimony borne by Jesus. Worship God! For the substance (essence) of the truth revealed by Jesus is the spirit of all prophecy [the vital breath, the inspiration of all inspired preaching and interpretation of the divine will and purpose, including both mine and yours]. 11 After that I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse [appeared]! The One Who was riding it is called Faithful (Trustworthy, Loyal, Incorruptible, Steady) and True, and He passes judgment and wages war in righteousness (holiness, justice, and uprightness). [Ezek. 1:1.] 12 His eyes [blaze] like a flame of fire, and on His head are many kingly crowns (diadems); and He has a title (name) inscribed which He alone knows orcan understand. [Dan. 10:6.] 13 He is dressed in a robe dyed by dipping in blood, and the title by which He is called is The Word of God. 14 And the troops of heaven, clothed in fine linen, dazzling and clean, followed Him on white horses. 15 From His mouth goes forth a sharp sword with which He can smite (afflict, strike) the nations; and He will shepherd and control them with a staff (scepter, rod) of iron. He will tread the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath and indignation of God the All-Ruler (the Almighty, the Omnipotent). [Ps. 2:9.] 16 And on His garment (robe) and on His thigh He has a name (title) inscribed, king of kings and lord of lords. [Deut. 10:17; Dan. 2:47.] 17 Then I saw a single angel stationed in the sun's light, and with a mighty voice he shouted to all the birds that fly across the sky, Come, gather yourselves together for the great supper of God, [Ezek. 39:4, 17-20.] 18 That you may feast on the flesh of rulers, the flesh of generals and captains, the flesh of powerful and mighty men, the flesh of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all humanity, both free and slave, both small and great! 19 Then I saw the beast and the rulers and leaders of the earth with their troops mustered to go into battle and make war against Him Who is mounted on the horse and against His troops. 20 And the beast was seized and overpowered, and with him the false prophet who in his presence had worked wonders and performed miracles by which he led astray those who had accepted or permitted to be placed upon them the stamp (mark) of the beast and those who paid homage and gave divine honors to his statue. Both of them were hurled alive into the fiery lake that burns and blazes with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword that issues from the mouth of Him Who is mounted on the horse, and all the birds fed ravenously and glutted themselves with their flesh (AMPC). THREE Things I need to point out here, There Is 'A Supper Of God,' We need to Prostrate ourselves before Him and we are Quickly approaching This Day! Jesus spoke in both Matthew 24:23-31 & Luke 17:34-37 of the above mentioned 'Supper Of God,' but like Paul exhorted the Thessalonian Church, we MUST Occupy until He blows that Last Trumpet, because if we don't blow The Trumpet in Zion, like Ezekiel was warned, we will be held accountable and have blood on our hands. God has given us The Great Commission, so we have a job to do and I believe He has given us the game plan, His Word, which is His Will and Way to get The Job done! In Acts we read of the New Covenant Believers meeting in The Temple (The Mega-Church), synagogues (community congregations), house to house (the house-church/simple-church movement) & in the marketplace, so wherever we live, move or have our being, at home, church, school, work or play, 24/7/365, God is calling us to come together, as ONE In Messiah/Christ/The Anointed ONE, certainly not in a 'why can't we all just get along way,' but In His Way, Jesus, The Word Of God. PRAY for God to have His Way in NM, across America and around The World, as we move forward together in The Love Of God & The Good News Of Jesus! On Saturday, September 11, You Are Invited to The Cowboy/Cowgirl Camp Meeting in Corrales, NM (9am until 'the cows' come home) at the Corrales Lilly Farm on Perea Road (Contact Jim Montoya for more details @ 505-440-9770) AND Wednesday, September 22, beginning 8:30am-Sunday the 26th, ChristianBody.Net is hosting a Camp Meeting in Capitan, NM (Contact Grover Dobbins for more details @ 575-937-3528) at the Foursquare Church there + Streaming Worldwide @YouTube @AppleTV @Roku @churchapplive @facebook @twitter & other social media sites. For Women ONLY: Register EARLY for The Inheritance Convergence Conference, coming to ABQ, November 20-22 (Call 505-203-8782 or 505-793-0245 for more information). DATES TO REMEMBER IN SEPTEMBER: 1st: Full Moon; 6th: New Moon/Labor Day/Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown); 11th: Patriot's Day; 13th: First Quarter Moon; 15th: Yom Kippur (begins at sundown); 6th-16th: ; 16th: Yom Kippur/New Moon; 20th: Full Moon; 22nd: First Day Of Autumn/Fall; 24th Arbor Day in Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands & the 28th is the Last Quarter Moon. READ: Jude 1:20-21; Ps. 130:5-6; 123:2; 118:1; 3 John 1:11; Jas. 3:13; 2:14; 3:10; JOhn 17:11; 5:24; 6:40; Isa. 58:9; 59:21; Matt. 22:37; 2 Cor. 12:10; Heb. 2:18; Rom. 8:11; 10:14-15; Dan. 6:26-27; Col. 1:21-22; Prov. 10:9; 28:13; 1 John 2:15; Zech. 9:16 & 2 Pet. 1:10. As we enter into the Highest Holy Days on The Biblical Calendar, PLEASE Keep our Jewish Sisters & Brothers in your Prayers, that God will Open Their Eyes to See Yeshua/Jesus/Salvation, Pray He Will Bring Romans 9-11 into It's Fullness & Knowing that He Who has begun His Work In us Will Complete It and make us ONE New Man In Messiah, according to Ephesians 2:11-22! Shalom, Mark Tross Home is a community of ministries and individuals who are providing tools and resources to equip and connect the body of Christ for the end times work. Read, hear, watch, share real stories of God's salvation, healing and restoration by clicking on the MY STORY button below, or click on media below. Also, join with us as we develop our interactive "CONVERSATIONS," which are interviews with interesting folks, and then interactive webinars/phone conferences where YOU can talk with or text the speakers. Contact us at  Many voices standing together declaring the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the oneness of HIS body.  Mark Tross I'm a Broadcaster On The ChristianBody.Net Internet Radio & TV Network, Streaming 24/7/365 Worldwide + @YouTube, Ordained Bishop/Evangelist with Church of God, Cleveland, TN, Author @amazon & @kindle, Podcaster @anchor @breaker @radiopublic @tunein @spotify @podbean & @spreaker, Coordinator for New Mexico Prayer Connect,...  Ekklesia Outreach - Home JOIN US WORLDWIDE ON THE INTERNET FOR "Cross Culture NM"! You can join us on Face Book, My Space, WordPress, LiveJournal, Blogger, Snapchat, Delicious, Digg, Tumbler ...  RIO RANCHO CHURCH OF GOD VIEW OUR SIMPLE CHURCH DOCUMENTARY & VISIT OUR WEBSITE  Simple Church Fellowship The Word & Gift Place Of Yesterday, Today & Forever. Taking The Love Of Jesus To ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues!  Ask the pastor nm - Home Newest Faith Column for the Cibola Beacon Newspaper in Grants, NM: Are You Blind? by Mark Tross If you’re not a ‘Jew,’ you’re a Gentile, but either way, God wants you to know and understand ‘the mystery,’ which has been revealed to mankind in Christ Jesus.  Cross Culture NM - Home Watch Cross Culture NM WORLDWIDE on YouTube (search Haskell Hallmark and/or Mark Tross) 'LIKE' & 'SHARE' Our Cross Culture NM Facebook Page + Look for us on your local cable television channel in Rio Rancho, NM, Santa Fe, NM, Grants/Milan, NM, Gallup, NM/Eastern AZ (check your local television listings for days, times and channels) & Join Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY!  Featured Products Your browser does not support iframes. ; View the content of this inline frame with your browser  New Mexico Prayer Connect Spiritual research and prayer team for NM- results from today’s meeting and details about our next gathering. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Though we were fewer in number today, it was a good time together sharing some of the history of NM, both good and troubling, as well as reporting on some current positive developments.  10 Days of Prayer Join the worldwide prayer meeting, dedicating 10 days, from Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur, to pray and worship Jesus with other believers in your community. It's a call to a Revelation 4-5 kind of worship and unity, a time to fast, pray, and see Heaven come in your city. 

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