Monday, February 22, 2021

The POWER Of ONE - March 2021 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter!


      Sisters & Brothers in Jesus,

                  As Spring approaches, each of us must break up our fallowed ground and dust off the Winter to yield the fruit God requires of us in March of 2021.  According to the book of Ephesians, when every member within The Body Of Christ/Messiah/The Anointed ONE does their part, we ALL Come Into The FULLNESS Of GOD! WE Are 'The Planting Of The LORD,' Called By GOD to be oaks of righteousness, planted by His streams of Living Water, even in a dry and weary land, bringing Hope to the hopeless, The Hope that will Not disappoint us.  

                  You are just 'one' person, so what can you really do? PRAY! Listen to what God's Holy Spirit is saying to you today.  HEAR what Jesus, Our Good Shepherd says in Mark 12:29-32, what God's Word tells us in Leviticus 19:18 and Deuteronomy 6:4-15;  "The LORD Our GOD, The LORD Is ONE," but this is no ordinary word, as it appears in our English translations.  Most would just read it as 'one' thinking of its numerical value, meaning singular or just '1,' although that is not the case in either the original Hebrew or Greek meanings.  In Hebrew the number 1 is pronounced Aleph, its Ancient pictogram is an ox and symbol is a bull.  The meanings associated with the pictogram:  Strong leader, strength, leading, the first, aloof or separate, gentle, the beginning, the head of the family and God the Father.  Meanings associated with the number value:  Deity, unity, sufficiency, independence, first, indivisible and God the Father.  Yet, in The Shema (referenced scriptures above) and other portions of Holy Script, where Jesus says, "I and The Father Are ONE" or in His High Priestly Prayer of John 17, that we (The Church/Ekklesia/Ecclesia/The Called Out ONE's) would Be "ONE" (with Him & The Father by The Holy Spirit).  The words used in both Old & New Covenants are meaning a 'Unified ONE,' as in MANY Members, but ONE Body! Most closely 'In Will & Spirit,' as in John 10:20; 17:11, 21-23.  In Hebrew the actual word used is Echad (Genesis 2:24; 11:6; 34: 16, 22; 2 Chronicles 30:12; Jeremiah 32:39; Ezekiel 37:17 & Ezra 2:64) and in Greek the actual word used is Hen (Matthew 5:36, 41; 17:4; 19:5, 16; 228:1; John 10:16 & 30; 11:52; 1 Corinthians 8:4; 12:5, 12 & 20; Ephesians 4:6; 5:33; Galatians 3:28; Acts 4:32; Philippians 1:27; 2:2; Romans 3:12, 30; 12:4 & 5 and 15:6), as in the 'Two shall become ONE flesh (Man + Woman)' and 'GOD Is ONE (Father + Son + Spirit),' ONE People, ONE Heart, Two objects become ONE and/or assembly as ONE (for further references see:  Luke 14:18; Mark 10:8; 14:51 & Revelation 21:21).  

                  THIS 'Unified ONE' is what Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation Prayed for In Us.  Paul says that we have this treasure in these earthen vessels and Peter says GOD has given us EVERYTHING We Need to Live Our LIFE Unto HIM, so let us utilize EVERY Gift, Talent & Ability HE has Given us within The Body Of Christ, The Church Of GOD, but Not by our own might or power.  JESUS says, "You Shall Receive Power When The Holy Spirit Comes Upon YOU," so let us beseech HIM for HIS Anointing, which breaks down every yoke of sin and bondage.  WE are here for such a time as this, so let your Light SHINE, Pray for Wisdom, James says HE Will Give It To You, but don't be double minded or ask amiss, MEAN IT! 1 Cor.  1:24 in the Amplified Bible says this, "But to those who are The Called, both Jews and Greeks (Gentiles), Christ Is The 'POWER' of God and The Wisdom of God," so together In The Spirit we Are 'ONE.'  

                  IF You or someone you know would like to hold a Prayer Event in/around NM or online, don't hesitate to contact me.  

MARCH 5:   Arbor Day in TN; 7-14:  Arbor Day in CA; 12:  Arbor Day in NM; 14:   Daylight-Saving Time Begins; 15:  Arbor Day in AR; 17:  St.  Patrick's Day; 19:  Arbor Day in NC; 20:  First Day Of Spring; 21-27:  Arbor Day in OK; 23:  American Diabetes Alert Day & 27:  First Day Of Passover (Begins At Sundown).  

Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator


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New Mexico Prayer Connect The number 20 (2×10) is a concentrated meaning of ordinal perfection, expectancy, emphasizing Redemption and 21’s number value stands for the exceeding sinfulness of sin, three sevens, pointing towards Ultimate Spiritual Perfection! 2 stands for difference, good or evil, division, Living Word, second, to come alongside to help, to come alongside to hinder, second person of the Godhead, God

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