Monday, August 31, 2020

The Rehma Word of God - September 2020 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter For NM, Across America & The WORLD!

                    NOT since the days & times of Noah has the world been in such turmoil, even for those In Jesus.  Many are being tossed to and fro, frustrated, anxious, worried, disgusted and angry, so how do we find our proper footing and take our stand on The Solid Rock to move God's Kingdom forward, here on Earth, as it is in Heaven? Twice in The Bible God FILLED His Tabernacle/Temple, first with Moses and then when Solomon dedicated The Temple in Jerusalem, which is where we get the 2 Chronicles 7:14 'IF'...  We are ALL encouraged, as children, women and men of God to Ask, Seek & Knock, to NEVER give up, NEVER stop, Devote your'self' to Prayer and Thanksgiving, PRAY In The Holy Spirit on EVERY occasion, be alert, Prophetic and to put the enemy to shame! JOIN us 9am-10:45am MDT @ for a National time of prayer, specifically for NM, AZ & The Navajo Nation on September 1, 2020.  The Feasts Of God's (Ultimate) Holy REVIVAL come to us this month, not just in types and shadows, but in miracles, signs and wonders, Jew & Gentile coming together, as ONE In Him for a Global Day of Prayer (Trumpet Call to the Nations: Global 9/11 Prayer for America 1200 UTC, 5 am PT, 7 am CT, 8 am ET USA, 7 pm Jakarta, 3 pm Jerusalem), choosing True Biblical 'Faith Over Fear' in Belen, NM 6pm on Monday 9/13, International 10 Days of Prayer & Fasting @ (beginning sundown 9/18-28), A Cowboy Camp Meeting in Corrales (9/19, 9am until The Cows Come Home 🙂 @12 Perea Rd. POTLUCK), Valencia County Ministers Meeting 9am 9/22 (call Jim Montoya @ 505-440-9770 for more info), THE RETURN @Sandia Crest 12noon-2pm in ABQ/Metro (we're going to try live streaming the Washington, DC Event with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and others @ 7am-7pm MDT) and in Santa Fe on 9/26 (Audrey Trujillo is heading this 1-4 meeting with a 5pm march around the capital 7xs & the last time blowing The Shofar).  PLEASE do what You can to participate in these events, pray through them and help us get The Word out to ALL in NM, Across America & Around The WORLD + DO NOT MISS The Zoom 'NM Prayer Mapping Call with Dr. Leslie Keegle' @ AGREE with us in Prayer and contact us with other prayer requests, comments or insights, regarding Geographical, Spiritual and Historical information about our state or if you would like to hold an event in your area!
                     READ:  John 17; Luke 18:1; Matthew 26:40-41; 1 Thessalonians 1-2 Thess.  3; Colossians 1-4; Ephesians 2; 6:18; Titus; Jeremiah 1:10; Psalm 133; 44:4; 105-109; 2 Timothy 1:6; Joshua 1; Zephaniah 2:11; Isaiah 1-66; Phil.  1-4; Prov.  22:1-24:22 & 1 Timothy 1-6
                     DAYS to Remember & Be In PRAYER:  Monday, September 7 - Labor Day; Friday, September 18 - Rosh Hashanah/Jewish New Year (Begins At Sundown); Tuesday, September 22 - First Day Of Autumn; Sunday, September 27 - Yom Kippur/Day Of Atonement (Begins At Sundown) & Monday, September 28 - The Welsh Revival was Birthed in 1904 by Evan Roberts & Seth Joshua + PRAY for John Robb and ALL involved with the upcoming National Prayer Assembly from October 13-15, 2020 in Washington, DC
Mark Tross
Coordinator for NM Prayer Connect 

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