Sunday, June 28, 2020

July 2020 New Mexico Prayer Connect Newsletter

July 2020 New Mexico Prayer Connect Newsletter

To ALL The Saints,

JESUS Is Coming Back To WAR against Spiritual Rebellion (Lawlessness), so LISTEN to What The Holy Spirit Of GOD Is Saying to YOU, As The CHURCH Today! Contemplate on The Prophetic Words spoken over you, your state, nation, the WHOLE world that The Father LOVES and Sent His One & Only Begotten SON to Redeem. What about ALL those Unanswered Prayers, Have you kept Asking, Seeking & Knocking, going BOLDLY Unto HIS Throne Of GRACE & MERCY?

We are Commanded to Pray Unceasingly, In The Spirit, Lifting Up HOLY Hands, Interceding on behalf of ALL, for GOD Wishes that NONE would Perish, but that ALL Would COME To Repentance! MANY, Many Today are signing petitions and protesting, but How Many of us are Petitioning The Judge Of ALL The Earth, for HIS Will To Be DONE, Here & NOW, As It Is In HEAVEN? COME & Adore HIM, Bow Down before HIM, Humble Your-SELF, Pray, SEEK His Face, Turn from our wicked ways, so HE Will HEAR from HEAVEN & HEAL Our Land!

Difficult topics, situations and circumstances MUST Be Discussed In Our Day, so let us have a seat at His Table & Reason TOGETHER, Moving Forward, as HE Brings Correction, Discipline, Healing and RESTORATION, for we ALL Have This Ministry Of RECONCILIATION.

PSALM 34:4 “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”

ALL Of GOD's Promises Are YES & AMEN In Christ JESUS!

The GOSPEL, GOOD News of John, Presents Christ as: The divine Son of God: “The Word was God”, (1,1); “the Lamb of God.” (1:29); the Messiah (1:41); “the Son of God” and “the King of Israel” (1:49); “the Savior of the world” (4:42); “Lord and …God” (20:28), With MANY references throughout the book that Jesus says of Himself: “I Am…”

(6:35; 8:12; 10:7, 9, 11, 14; 11:25; 14:6; 15: 1, 5) as well as (4:24, 26; 8:24, 28, 58; 13:19).

THIS Is The GOD We SERVE, The ONE Who turns water into wine (2:1-11), Cures the nobleman’s son (4:46-54), The paralytic (5:1-18), Feeds the multitude (6:6-13), Walks on the water (6:16-21), Gives sight to the blind (9:1-7) & Raises Lazarus from The Dead (11:1-45)!

ACTS 1 {3 Promises} A. 1st promise: Vs. 4-5 “Wait for the gift from My Father.” This is new! Deity choosing and wanting to live in us!

Complete, enveloping immersion, Covers & fills. A Brand new closeness, intimacy, and identity. You belong. You are family. You are close and forever now identified. “I am putting my Name on you!” Read Deuteronomy 31:8 B.

2nd promise: Vs. 6-8 “You shall receive power to witness.” Jesus is not asking or suggesting. He is declaring! (The idea is of commanding) This is what all of my Followers will be doing.

In Acts, we see entirely different men. Supernatural strength to witness, endure, and suffer rejection. C. 3rd promise: Vs. 9-11 “Jesus will come back the same way He left.” Purpose?


JAMES 1:4 Allow perseverance to finish its work, so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (BSB).

WE Must PRESS Onward & Upward, Persevere Unto The END!

This Month READ 1 Chronicles 7-2 Chronicles 36; Romans 14-16; Psalms 79-89; Proverbs 17:1-19:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1-2 Corinthians 4; Ezra 1-10 & Nehemiah 1-3.



Mark Tross

NM Prayer Connect Coordinator

New Mexico Prayer Connect

PLEASE Take A Good LOOK @ The NEWly Updated NM Prayer Connect Prayer Map, READ & PRAY Through The Prophetic Word Spoken Over New Mexico On Our Website (you can Hear and Watch Dennis Prochnow on “The 11th Hour” Radio & Television Broadcast Every Friday, 11am-12noon MDT On The ChristianBody.Net Internet RADIO/TV Network) & SPREAD THE WORD Throughout Our State, The USA, To ALL Nations ...

Habakkuk 2:2

“And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.”

King James Version (KJV)

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