Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Final Quarter - NM Prayer Connect October 2018 Newsletter

The Final Quarter - NM Prayer Connect October 2018 Newsletter:

Blessings to All,
As we enter into the final quarter of 2018, the harvest is ripe for the picking, but we must prayerfully go forward in obedience to God's Will & Way. Moses was told by God to "Stop Praying And Get The People Moving," but movement in and of itself, without clear direction of The Holy Spirit is like dead works of the flesh, fruitless and unproductive. Over the past month, Awaken The Dawn, Tent America was held in Santa Fe and every state capital in our nation with 50 hours of praise and prayer. Being the oldest state capital in the union and the highest elevation capital as well, I believe that New Mexico plays an integral part in a true spiritual awakening and revival in these United States! Many local events took place as well, the Fall Festival on The Plaza in Santa Fe (with mostly Spanish congregations in attendance), Apostle Barbara Gould held her annual Camp Meeting in Rio Rancho and Pastor Jim Montoya had a Festival of Love in the Los Lunas/Belen area of our state. Grover Dobbins of Capitan, host of Christian Body .net, who called upon New Mexico Prayer Connect 4 years ago, to do an event in Roswell, has implemented a 24/7 Pray America Group on Telegram, plus he, Jim and I have been meeting weekly on Zoom in an effort to utilize the power of the internet to bring God's Presence to NM, AZ, across America and throughout the world.
For those of you who have been with NM Prayer Connect for a while, I want to encourage you to get back to the basics and follow God's blueprint, not our own man made rules and regulations or church traditions, but to listen to what The Spirit is saying to us as The Church today. Moses was given the blueprint of God for The Tabernacle and he was exhorted to build it exactly as God showed it to him, because it was just what was going on in Heaven. In The Book Of Acts, Stephen spoke of The Tent in the desert, which in the original Greek is called The Ekklesia or Ecclesia, which is the same word that Jesus used for The Church (literally meaning, The Church Powerfully Reaching Out). If you go to our website you'll read A Prophetic Word, given to us and Governor Martinez at The Roundhouse, which tells us to 1) Covenant With The Lord And Honor His Presence, 2) Repent For The Shedding Of Innocent Blood, Past & Present, 3) Tear Down Your Altars Of Witchcraft & 4) Cease Communication With The Dead. To some This Prophetic Word is offensive, but The Cross is an offense to those that are perishing! God is on the move in New Mexico, across America and around the world, but in order to reap the harvest, we must do it His Way, for there's no other Name under Heaven by which we must be saved. Obedience always brings God's Richest Blessings, so let us trust in, cling to, lean and rely on The Light that has been given to us, as we move into the final quarter of 2018.
The Biblical Readings for October are Jer. 7-52; 1 Tim. 6; 2 Tim. 1-4; Ps. 110-119:88; Prov. 24:23-26:28; Titus 1-3; Philem.; Heb. 1-13; Lam. 1-3 & Jas. 1. On Monday, October 8, we'll be celebrating Columbus Day in the U.S. and Thanksgiving Day in Canada, plus Boss's Day (U.S.) on Tuesday, October 16. If you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event anywhere in New Mexico or would like to get information out, regarding an event next month, don't hesitate to contact me.
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
New Mexico Prayer Connect
To the “Prayer Warriors” of the Church of EspaƱol Thank You for participating in prayer with us throughout the year of 2015. It was a year of

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