Saturday, July 28, 2018

August 2018 New Mexico Prayer Connect Newsletter

August 2018 New Mexico Prayer Connect Newsletter

Summertime Blessings,

             First off, let me invite you all to attend The Full Armor Of God Camp Meeting in Rock Springs from Aug. 7-12 (I'll be blowing the shofar and speaking on Sat., Aug. 11 - See The Enclosed Link Below For Full Details), also Aug. 11, 10am-5pm Fiesta de Amor will be at Daniel Fernandez Park in Los Lunas, Aug. 31-Sept. 1 Cowboy Camp Meeting in Llaves at Gloria a Dios Ranch (contact Pastor Jim Montoya @ 505-440-9770 for the Los Lunas & Llaves Events) + Mark Your Calendar for Sept. 8, 2018, because The March For Jesus is Coming to Rio Rancho (call Apostle Barbara Gould @ 505-890-3104 for more info), so Spread The Word, Invite Others & certainly keep these events in your prayers.

             This Month we'll be Reading and Praying Through:

Neh. 1-13; 2 Cor. 4-13; Ps. 90-103; Prov. 19:18-21:15; Est. 1-10; Job 1-42; Gal. 1-6; Eph. 1-6; Eccl. 1-12; Songs 1-8 & Phil. 1.

             Our friends in Canada will be celebrating Civic Holiday Provincial Day (Except QC, NL, YT) on Mon. the 6th & Discovery Day (Yukon) on Mon. the 20th.

             School starts up again in Aug., so keep our students & teachers in your prayers + if you or someone you know would like to hold a prayer event in our state, don't hesitate to contact me.

Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator

Leon Long
Looking forward to and inviting you to the campmeeting at Rock Springs, NM from August 7-12.  We will have a Sunday morning service on Aug 12. Bring your Bibles and others. Let's get people into...
New Mexico Prayer Connect
• Individual Love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, strength and our neighbor as ourselves Repent from dead works, self-righteousness, self-sufficiency, lack of love Present your bodies as a living sacrifice Die to Prayer- Seek, Ask and Knock.

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