Tuesday, February 27, 2018

March 2018 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter:

March 2018 NM Prayer Connect Newsletter: 

Have you come to your royal position for such a time as this? (Esther 4:13-14) 

Purim, literally, "lots" begins at sundown on Wednesday, February 28 and ends in the evening of Thursday, March 1 (14th of Adar, 5778), with Shushan Purim, Friday, March 2 (15th of Adar, 5778), proving God Is Faithful To his promises to watch over Israel once again, according to Genesis 12:3. All of God's promises are Yes & Amen In Christ/Messiah Jesus/Yeshua, for all who would come To Him and call on Him In Spirit & Truth, for the spirit of prayer and fasting is also taught in the New Covenant, so we should always intercede for the protection and salvation of Israel (see Romans 10:1) and all who God Loves in This World. Give yourself over to prayer this month and you'll come to know that there is more happiness in giving than receiving (Acts 20:35). 

As we move from darkness to light and winter to spring, let us continue to read Numbers 4-36; Mark 16; Luke 1-21; Psalm 28-37; Proverbs 6:1-8:11 and Deuteronomy 1-20, walking In/Out The Word. Daylight Saving Time Begins 2 A.M., Sunday, March 11, with St. Patrick's Day, Saturday, March 17, the First Day Of Spring, Tuesday, March 20, Palm Sunday, March 25 & Good Friday/Passover Begins At Sundown, March 30. 

Might I suggest that you read the book of Esther during this time and realize that all scripture is God breathed and applicable to us today, so keep not silent, for we are Seated With Him in Heavenly Places. Let your petitions be made known to Him and be The Voice Of ONE, because Resurrection Day/The Biblical Feast Of First Fruits Is Coming SOON! 

As always, should you or someone you know throughout New mexico be interested in holding a prayer event in your area, don't hesitate to contact me. Be in prayer for this event: https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/28336771_2076474979250872_4620390603286815787_o.jpg?oh=114f0bc3a5e2e438a8bdfa4201f32e04&oe=5B471B87 
Do what you can to get The Word out to ALL you know in these surrounding areas & ATTEND + MARCH Forth This Month In VICTORY! 

Mark Tross 
​NM Prayer Connect Coordinator 
New Mexico Prayer Connect 
Blessings to ALL, October brings us into the last quarter of 2017, so get ready to turn your clocks back this month. It’s been a wonderful year of unity within the ... 

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