Tuesday, August 29, 2017

RetroPlay @ The Blue Grasshooper in Rio Rancho Tuesday 7PM & Thursday 7PM @ The Range Cafe in Bernalillo!

https://www.facebook.com/fvelasconaranjo/videos/vb.1454827178/10211792185747494/?type=2&theater HEAR RetroPlay LIVE Tuesday 7PM @ The Blue Grasshopper in Rio Rancho & Thursday 7PM @ The Range Cafe in Bernalillo SUBSCRIBE @YouTube WATCH @vimeo FRIEND @myspace LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group VISIT Our Websites CONNECT @linkedin Tumblr, VK, Xing, OK, Google+ Snapchat, Instagram,Reddit, Pinterest, Stumbleupon & MORE TODAY TOO! http://crossculturenm.weebly.com http://askthepastornm.weebly.com http://victorychurchofgod.weebly.com http://ekklesiaoutreach.weebly.com http://simplechurchfellowship.weebly.com

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