Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Authority of The Believer 2

The Authority of The Believer 2

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The Authority of The Believer

LISTEN to last nights Conversation on The CBNet Internet RADIO Network @ChristianBody.net & On ALL Our WEBSITES - WATCH @Christianbody.net https://youtu.be/3eI0QPDfZjA @YouTube & SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' PODCASTS @anchor Breaker, PodBean, Spotify, GooglePodcasts, PocketCasts, RadioPublic, Stripe & Spreaker CHECKOUT My 10 BOOKS @amazon & @kindle JOIN Our WORLDWIDE 'Simple Church Fellowship' Yahoo Group FRIEND @facebook MySpace, USA & HardcoreConservatives CONNECT @ok Xing, Google+ Instagram, IGTV, Pinterest, Tik Tok, Vimeo, VK, Reddit, Linkedin, Tumblr, Pinterest, MIX & Blogger FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm & @aactionestatesales + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Sunday, May 26, 2019

June/July Newsletter for New Mexico Prayer Connect

June/July Newsletter for New Mexico Prayer Connect

Summertime Blessings To ALL,  

                     THANKS to EVERYONE who attended our 10 Commandments Rock Event in Los Lunas (we're planning another one in the fall)! For all who have not yet listened to The CBNet Internet RADIO Network @ChristianBody.net / https://www.christianbody.net , http://zeno.fm/christianbody.net is another way to connect - check out the Arrows Newsletter @ https://gem.godaddy.com/p/cc994e + Join us in Los Lunas for another Fiesta de Amor @ Daniel Fernandez Park, 10am-3pm, June 8 & July 6 (contact Pastor Jim Montoya @ 505-440-9770) & come to the Gathering of Wealth Contenders Conference, July 11-13, in the Phil L.  Thomas Performing Arts Center (west of Shiprock High School) @ W.  State Rd.  504, Shiprock, NM 87420 (Register on Facebook or call 505-415-3901). 

                     Pentecost/Shavuot Sunday is Sunday, June 9, Flag Day is Friday the 14th, Father's Day is Sunday the 16th, Summer Begins on Friday the 21st and St.  John the Baptist Day (Que.) is Monday the 24th. 

                     June's Scripture Readings:  1 Kgs.  3-2 Kgs.  25; Ps.  69-78; Prov.  14:15-16:18-33; Acts 21-28; Rom.  1-12 & 1 Chr.  3-4. 

                     Canada Day is Monday, July 9 & Independence Day is Thursday the 4th. 

                     July Scripture Readings:  1 Chr.  5-2 Chr.  36; Rom.  13-16; 1 Cor.  1-2 Cor.  3; Ps.  79-89; Prov.  17:1-19:1-17 & Ezra 1-10. 

                     We are reaching over 15,000 people every month through our websites and have over 1,500 listeners in 71 nations worldwide (not counting all our other social media outlets), so God is expanding our boarders to reach more people with the love of God and the Good News of Jesus.  Keep praying! "Ask And You Shall Receive, Seek And You Shall Find, Knock And The Door Shall Be Opened Unto You." - Jesus

Have a Safe & Joyous Summer In Him,

Mark Tross

NM Prayer Connect Coordinator


Thursday, May 23, 2019

VIDEO of The 10 Commandments Rock in Los Lunas, New Mexico, USA!!!

WATCH This Video from Hidden/Mystery Mountain in Los Lunas, New Mexico, USA, taken @ The 10 Commandments Rock/Decalogue Stone on Saturday, May 18, 2019 https://youtu.be/5ZKKVTsvC0w & let us know what you think :)


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Tuesday, May 21, 2019

CrossCultureNM 041

"THERE Is No Truth In Him [The Devil]." John 8:44

WATCH Season 1 of The Cross Culture New Mexico Television Program https://youtu.be/3uVW9uEDikg

SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube PODCASTS @anchor

JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network @ChristianBody.net & On ALL Our WEBSITES -

CONNECT @linkedin (OVER 100,000 Connected & 165 Views of Our Last Post, Across America, Germany, Taiwan, Poland, United Kingdom, Argentina, 71 NATIONS), VK, OK, Xing & Blogger FRIEND @myspace USA (NOW 1,209 Connected), HardcoreConservatives & Facebook + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

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Monday, May 20, 2019

CrossCultureNM 040

CrossCultureNM 040 Prophetic Words Over New MexicoCindy Jacobs:
said, “Lord, why has Satan bothered to put such a pocket of occult into
New Mexico.” And He said that Santa Fe is such a convergence of occult
power, psychic power, new age power, crystals, Wicca, paganism. The Lord
spoke to me and said because New Mexico is the hiding place of my
power. And Satan is very, very, afraid of the authority and anointing of
miracles and the glory that I am going to pour through this state. So
he has had to demonize it. I tell you, because of the prayers that have
come out of here the kingdom of Satan is shaken! When He comes you are
going to see glory pour out, because the Lord has showed me there is
going to be a massive revival that comes out of this state—one that they
will write about in history books. A sign on the highway out of
Albuquerque said, “New Mexico, Capital for the most nuclear energy.” I
said wow! This is good because you see these are shadows and types. So
we are just going to make you the biggest bomb ever to be dropped on
Satan’s kingdom. I tell you, you are his worst nightmare.Dutch Sheets:
longer will New Mexico be known as the place to come and hear from the
occult, but it will be known as the place to hear the voice of God. It
will be known as a place to receive revelation and wisdom from the Holy
Spirit.Cindy Jacobs:
I believe I have seen violence coming on the
reservations in an escalated way. We have to pray for the reservations,
we need to pray for the people. We need to pray, we need to go, we need
to give, we need to change things. We need to be proactive.Dutch Sheets
(from the 50 state tour):
He stated they felt they were to begin the
50 state tour in New Mexico because the oldest recorded civilizations in
our nation are in that region. He further stated New Mexico has had a
spirit of isolation upon it. The “Land of Enchantment” as this state is
known, has a very supernatural atmosphere that actually creates a
ceiling against the move of God. We declare that the “Jesus of Nazareth
blood bought prophetic people” would arise in New Mexico, having greater
wisdom than the supernatural forces presently operating there. The
following prophecy came forth: “The moving of My Spirit is on this land,
and the first fruits of My Spirit will be manifested here. There will
be an outbreak of the supernatural, with a first fruit’s demonstration
of miracles. Welcome My Spirit, for there are many spirits in this land.
I am the Revelator. From this day forth, the prophets will be able to
sound a clear trumpet in New Mexico. Watch the winds for they are a
sign. Don’t hide yourself from the wind but allow the wind to blow away
that which has grown dusty. Many who have come into the supernatural,
but not by My Spirit, will now come into My Kingdom. I will bring in the
witches and the warlocks, and a great conversion of those that have
experienced the supernatural dimension of the enemy. I am getting ready
to bring them in and raise up prophets in your midst. I am releasing
mysteries, strategies and revelation. Cry out for the leaders of this
state to receive the prophetic mantle. New Mexico will surprise the
nation! The hidden will be revealed. A supernatural “something” will
happen that will shift the economy of this state. This is a time of
springing forth in New Mexico. Have faith for the pueblos for I will
invade them with faith. Death and destruction has been in this state,
but faith is coming to the pueblos. Invite faith into the pueblos!”Chuck
It is my time for the river to become full and for the
dryness in the atmosphere to change. When the rain begins to fall, you
will know the river is rising in this state and when the river begins to
rise, I say from this state a course that would be destructive to this
nation will begin to change saith the Lord. Arise! Rise up! And you will
see the Land begin to reveal my plan, saith the Lord. God says to this
state and you as a people, “It’s time for My promises to start
manifesting over this nation in a new way. I’ll start with you
individually if you’ll grab hold of to go. Matter of fact, I’ll come
back to the last place. I’ve called this place to be a seer in the midst
of the wilderness. I’ll come back to this wilderness place, though it
seems to this nation - New Mexico - and this is where the eyes of the
nation will be activated. I’ll cause you to see things that no one else
can see - from this land. I’ll use a Midianite to be your eyes. I’ll use
somebody that’s not really been moving with Me in the dynamic that
others have moved even in covenant in the past. I’ll use them to be the
seer of the future.” In this prophetic state, the “Land of Enchantment”,
where every sort of revelation comes down, it’s a revelatory
atmosphere. In this atmosphere, I will awaken the seer anointing, and
you will see before others see, in this place. I’ll break your
wilderness first so you can see to bring others out of the wilderness.
I’ve ordained the time and place and I’m going to loose the seer gift,
if you’ll just grab hold and say yes, we’ll see and we’ll learn how to
communicate what we’re seeing from New Mexico. And the wilderness spirit
that we live in here, not only will we overcome it, but we will cause a
nation to see it’s way out of the wilderness.”

Friday, May 17, 2019

JOIN Us Saturday, May 18, 2019 in Los Lunas, NM!!!


CrossCultureNM 039

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Thursday, May 16, 2019


FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @crossculturenm @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES https://www.facebook.com/events/2287371094659759/ JOIN US SATURDAY!!!

CrossCultureNM 038

CrossCultureNM 038

"CAN You Identify A Time In Your Life You Actually Said To The Holy
Spirit, "Yes, I Receive You." Can You Say With Certainty From Personal
Experience, "I Have Received The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit? Read Acts
19:1-7. You Need To Receive The Holy Spirit." - Pastor Harry Chapman
@twitter @crossculturenm @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES (OVER
2,608 Impressions Last Week) CrossCultureNM 037
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Wednesday, May 15, 2019

CrossCultureNM 037

"DID You Receive The Holy Spirit When You Believed? They Answered, 'No, We Have Not Heard That There Is A Holy Spirit'" (Acts 19:2).
FOLLOW @twitter @crossculturenm @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES CrossCultureNM 036 https://youtu.be/eXWOcrlviPQ
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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

CrossCultureNM 036

CrossCultureNM 036

WHEN You Made Jesus The Lord Of your Life, You Were Born Into The Ultimate Fulfillment Of God's Great Plan. Eph. 2:10

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HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network @ChristianBody.net
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Monday, May 13, 2019

CrossCultureNM 035

GOD Is Watching Over The Plan He designed. He's Working in You, Giving You The Desire And The Power To Paint The Picture - For You To Be What He Designed You To Be And Do. Phil. 2:12-13
FOLLOW @twitter @crossculturenm @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES (OVER 4,799 Impressions Last Week) CrossCultureNM 034 https://youtu.be/YhkGMmbDz3c SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazon
HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network @ChristianBody.net & On ALL Our WEBSITES 24/7/365 Free (OVER 501 LISTENERS for 126.16 Minutes Each = 916.97 TOTAL Hours)
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Sunday, May 12, 2019

CrossCultureNM 034

FOLLOW @twitter @crossculturenm @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES (OVER 4,799 Impressions Last Week) CrossCultureNM 034 https://youtu.be/YhkGMmbDz3c SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazon PODCASTS @anchor JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network @ChristianBody.net & On ALL Our WEBSITES 24/7/365 Free CONNECT @xing VK, OK, Blogger, MIX, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit & Linkedin FRIEND @myspace (1,034 Connected) USA, HC & Facebook + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Saturday, May 11, 2019

CrossCultureNM 033

YOU Are A Masterpiece, Born Into The Good Life God Planned For You Long Ago. Ps. 139:13, 15-16
FOLLOW @twitter @crossculturenm @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES (OVER 3,959 Impressions Last Week) CrossCultureNM 032 https://youtu.be/ljaofj_KpME
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