Monday, December 31, 2018

Prophecy: The Messiah Must Be The Cornerstone Of God's Messianic Community

FOLLOW @twitter @AACTIONESTATES @askthepastornm @mftross Prophecy: The
Messiah Must Be The Cornerstone  Of God's  Messianic Community SUBSCRIBE to   'crossculturenm' @YouTube
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Evangelizing The Western Mindset - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES (4,539 Followers) Evangelizing The Western Mindset - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube (5,861 Views & 1,179 Video Presentations) CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Our WEBSITES - PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 @podbean Spreaker & ZCast CONNECT @google+ Linkedin (91,751 Connected), Blogger (838 Blogs), Xing, OK, Tumblr & VK (436 Connected) - FRIEND @facebook (14,414 Connected & 2,045 Following) & MySpace (1,018 Connected) JOIN Our GLOBAL Yahoo Group (1,371 Members) + SPREAD THE WORD!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

A Blessed New year 2019 from New Mexico Prayer Connect!

A Blessed New Year 2019 from New Mexico Prayer Connect!
    GOD's Word Declares, "Without Vision We Perish," so what is God's Vision for you and me in 2019? As Confessing Born-Again Believers, we are 'Called' to 'Follow' JESUS, The Living Word.  The Holy Spirit has been given, to lead and guide us into ALL Truth & Understanding, so HE Is Our Guide.  The Solid Rock was split, so that we would never have to thirst again and we should have HIS Living Water pouring upon us, springing up within us and flowing like a river out from us.  How do we measure up? Wherever we are on our Spiritual Journey, we're being called into deeper waters! Has He caused you to pass through the waters that were ankle-deep, reached to the knees or to the loins? 
    Since the times of Ezekiel 47:1-12, that river could not be passed over or through, but thanks be to God, The Risen River can now be Passed Over and through, because Our Passover Lamb has been slain and provided The Way out for ALL who will take It.  We shall surely pass through the fire and the flood In Safety, for Our Salvation Rests In Him! We are to be like trees, planted by The Living Waters Of Eternal, Everlasting, Abundant, Resurrection LIFE! The waters of the sea shall be healed and made fresh; and EVERYTHING shall live wherever The River goes.  The Fishermen (women and children) shall spread their nets; their fish shall be of very many kinds (ALL Nations, Peoples, Tribes & Tongues)! ALL The Trees shall grow; their leaf shall not fade nor shall their fruit fail [to meet the demand].  Each Tree shall bring forth new fruit every month, [these super-natural qualities being] because their waters came from out of the sanctuary and their fruit shall be for food and their leaves for healing.  
    Catch God's Vision for 2019, pray over it and do your part, so we can all come into the fullness of who we are to be in Him! Tuesday, January 1 is New Year's Day, Saturday the 5th is the New Moon, Sunday the 6th is Epiphany, Monday the 14th is the First Quarter Moon, the 21st is Martin Luther King Jr. Day + the Full Moon and the Last Quarter Moon is on the 27th.  READ:  Genesis 1-50; Matthew 1-23; Psalms 1-17; Proverbs 1:1-3:1-18; Exodus 1-22.  THE WORD For The Month:  So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. - Romans 10:17 WORD Of The Month:  TENACITY - With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are (possible) attainable (with God).  Japanese proverb:  "One kind word can warm three winter months." If anyone would like to hold an event in their area, don't hesitate to contact me!
Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator

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Friday, December 28, 2018

Contributions of the 1st and 2nd Awakening by Winkie Pratney

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES Contributions of the 1st and 2nd Awakening by Winkie Pratney #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY & The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Our WEBSITES - PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 @podbean Spreaker & ZCast JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (835 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Prophecy: The Messiah Must Exercise His Priestly Office In Heaven

FOLLOW @twitter @AACTIONESTATES @askthepastornm @mftross Prophecy: The Messiah Must Exercise His  Priestly Office In  Heaven SUBSCRIBE to  crossculturenm  @YouTube LISTEN to The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On  ALL Our WEBSITES -  CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle GLOBALLY - CONNECT @pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ Linkedin, Blogger, Xing, OK, Reddit & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace JOIN Our WORDLWIDE Yahoo Group PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 INTERNATIONALLY @podbean Spreaker & ZCast + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Contract On Children - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES Contract On Children - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube HEAR The Internet RADIO Network 24/7/365 PODCASTS @podbean ZCast & Spreaker On Demand CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (833 Blogs), Xing, VK & OK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace VISIT Our WEBSITES (OVER 67K Did in 2018) JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Prophecy:. The Messiah Must Be Considered A Transgressor

FOLLOW @twitter @AACTIONESTATES @askthepastornm @mftross MERRY
Prophecy:. The Messiah Must Be Considered A Transgressor SUBSCRIBE to  'crossculturenm' @YouTube
CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast
HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On  ALL Our WEBSITES - JOIN Our
WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group CONNECT @pinterest, Tumble, Google+ Linkedin,
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FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Bible Study For Street Preaching by Winkie Pratney

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES - MERRY MESSIAHMAS EVE DAY! Bible Study For Street Preaching by Winkie Pratney #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - LISTEN to CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Our WEBSITES (OVER 67,536 HITS In 2018) - PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 @podbean Spreaker & ZCast GLOBALLY - JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (831 Blogs), Xing, Ok & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace (1,017 Connected) + SPREAD THE WORD!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Hanukkah in the New Covenant

 FOLLOW @twitter @AACTIONESTATES @askthepastornm @mftross Hanukkah in the New Covenant  SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube   CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle  PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO  Network On ALL Our WEBSITES (OVER 67,538 HITS in 2018) CONNECT @pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ Blogger, Reddit, Instagram, Snapchat, IGTV, Vimeo FRIEND @facebook & MySpace JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & SPREAD THE WORD!

Be Ye Holy - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES Be Ye Holy - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Our WEBSITES - PODCASTS @zcast PodBean & Spreaker JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (830 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Traditional Jewish Observance of Hanukkah

FOLLOW @twitter
@AACTIONESTATES @askthepastornm @mftross The Traditional Jewish
Observance of Hanukkah SUBSCRIBE to
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24/7/365 CONNECT @pinterest, Instagram, IGTV, Vimeo, Tumblr, Google+
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Babylonian Pattern - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES Babylonian Pattern - Part 1 by Winkie Pratney #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle GLOBALLY - HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On Our WEBSITES 24/7/365 CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (827 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace (1,017 Connected) JOIN Our INTERNATIONAL Yahoo Group + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Hanukkah/The Feast of Dedication - The Historical Background/Part 1

 FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm @AACTIONESTATES Hanukkah/The Feast of Dedication - The  Historical  Background/Part 1 SUBSCRIBE to ‘crossculturenm’ @YouTube WATCH 1,154 Video Presentations CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY + HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network FREE On ALL Of Our Websites WORLDWIDE - PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 @podbean​ Spreaker & ZCast CONNECT @pinterest Instagram, SnapChat, Google+ Blogger, Reddit, Xing, OK, VK & Tumblr FRIEND @facebook & MySpace SEE More @vimeo & IGTV - JOIN Our GLOBAL Yahoo Group & SPREAD THE WORD TODAY TOO!!!

Walking In Holiness by Luis Palau

FOLLOW @twitter @AACTIONESTATES @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 10,730 Impressions Last Week) Walking In Holiness by Luis Palau #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network FREE On ALL Of Our WEBSITES - PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 WORLDWIDE @podbean Spreaker & ZCast CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (825 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + JOIN Our GLOBAL Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD TOO!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Passions For The Lost by Luis Palau

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross (OVER 1,265 Impressions In 24 HRS) Passion For The Lost by Luis Palau #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On Our WEBSITES 7 CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle WORLDWIDE TODAY - CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (824 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace (1,017 Connected) JOIN Our INTERNATIONAL Yahoo Group + LISTEN To Our PODCASTS 24/7/365 GLOBALLY On Demand @podbean Spreaker & ZCast + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Divine Surgery by Luis Palau

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 8,349 Impressions Last Week) Divine Surgery by Luis Palau #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network GLOBALLY On ALL Our WEBSITES 24/7/365 PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ LiveJournal, Digg, StumbleUpon, MIX, Pinterest, Instagram, IGTV, Vimeo, SnapChat, Tumblr, Reddit, Linkedin, Blogger (823 Blogs), Xing, VK & OK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + SPREAD THE WORD TODAY TOO!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

T'fillin, The Phylacteries, The Historical Background

MOST VIEWS OF OVER 1,100 VIDEO PRESENTATIONS - T'fillin, The Phylacteries, The Historical Background SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast + HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network 24/7/365 INTERNATIONALLY On ALL Of Our WEBSITES - JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger, Xing, Tumblr, Reddit, instagram, IGTV, Vimeo, OK & VK + FRIEND @facebook & MySpace & SPREAD THE WORD GLOBALLY TODAY TOO!!!

Modern House Church Movement by Chuck Missler

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 1,014 Impressions In 24HRS) Modern House Church Movement by Chuck Missler #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' & @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle LISTEN To The CBNet Internet RADIO Network INTERNATIONALLY 24/7/365 PODCASTS On Demand @podbean Spreaker & ZCast CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (821 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace VISIT Our WEBSITES + JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD GLOBALLY TOO!

Monday, December 17, 2018

Gifted And Called 1

 FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm Gifted And Called 1 SUBSCRIBE to ‘crossculturenm’ & @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast JOIN us EVERY Monday 7PM MT WORLDWIDE & HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network INTERNATIONALLY 24/7/365 CONNECT @pinterest Tumblr, Linkedin, Google+ Blogger

Gifted And Called 2

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm Gifted And Called 2  SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' & @YouTube CHECKOUT  My BOOKS @amazonkindle PODCASTS
@podbean Spreaker & ZCast JOIN us  EVERY Monday 7PM MT WORLDWIDE
& HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network INTERNATIONALLY 24/7/365!

House Church Fellowships by Chuck Missler

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross (OVER 1,150 Impressions In 24 HRS) House church fellowships by Chuck Missler #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network WORLDWIDE Too PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 @podbean Spreaker & ZCast VISIT Our WEBSITES - JOIN Our GLOBAL Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (818 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + SPREAD THE WORD TODAY!!!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Rich Mullins Sharing

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 6,163 Impressions Last Week) Rich Mullins Sharing #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network WORLDWIDE - PODCASTS @podbeancom Spreaker & ZCast On Demand 24/7/365 VISIT Our Websites CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (817 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + JOIN Our INTERNATIONAL Yahoo Group TODAY TOO & SPREAD THE WORD!!! 

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Alan Redpath - Abundant Life in Christ

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross (OVER 6,240 Impressions Last Week) Alan Redpath - Abundant Life in Christ SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CLICK ON To HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network WORLDWIDE & FREE 24/7/365 PODCASTS @podbean​ Spreaker & ZCast CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle​ INTERNATIONALLY - CONNECT @google+ Pinterest, Instagram, IGTV, Vimeo, LiveJournal, Digg, StumbleUpon, MIX, Tumblr, Linkedin, Blogger, Xing, Reddit, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace VISIT Our WEBSITES + JOIN Our GLOBAL Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Friday, December 14, 2018

Chosen To Be Holy - Alan Redpath (1 of 5)

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 6,977 Impressions Last Week) Chosen To Be Holy - Alan Redpath SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle CALL 605-472-9385 & HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network INTERNATIONALLY 24/7/365 PODCASTS @podbean​ Spreaker & ZCast CONNECT @google+ Digg, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, Linkedin, Blogger, Xing, OK, VK, LiveJOurnal, StumbleUpon & MIX - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace VISIT Our WEBSITES + JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY TOO & SPREAD THE WORD GLOBALLY!!!

Thursday, December 13, 2018

The CBNet Internet RADIO Network LINK & PHONE # to LISTEN Worldwide - ENJOY!!!

HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network 24/7/365 Free WORLDWIDE @ Or Call 605-472-9385  LISTENED To Across America, Canada, India, United Kingdom, Italy, Brazil, Australia, Germany, 66 NATIONS INTERNATIONALLY - The Average Listening Minutes Are 48.71 Per Person In Just Our First 5 Days ON AIR, So SPREAD THE WORD GLOBALLY, Because FAITH Comes By HEARING & HEARING By THE WORD OF GOD - Merry Messiahmas!!!

Radical Discipleship by Alan Redpath + The CBNet Internet RADIO Network LINK & Phone #

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 7,418 Impressions Last Week) Radical Discipleship - Session 1 by Alan Redpath #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network 24/7/365 Free WORLDWIDE @  or Call 605-472-9385 GLOBALLY & SPREAD THE WORD - PODCASTS On Demand @podbean Spreaker & ZCast CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (813 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK + FRIEND @facebook + MySpace & JOIN Our Yahoo Group TODAY TOO!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Audio Sermon: Are you Jacob or Israel? by Alan Redpath

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 6,705 Impressions Last Week) Audio Sermon: Are you Jacob or Israel? by Alan Redpath SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network FREE Worldwide On ALL Our WEBSITES - PODCASTS On Demand GLOBALLY 24/7/365 @podbean Spreaker & ZCast CONNECT @google+ Reddit, LiveJournal, Digg, StumbleUpon, MIX, Digg, Tumblr, Linkedin, Blogger, Xing, VK & OK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Power Of The Word of God by J. Vernon McGee

2 Corinthians - "The Greatest Privilege In The World Is To Give Out The Word of God, There's Nothing Like It, Because He Always Causes Us To Triumph!" - Dr. J. Vernon McGee FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 5,245 Impressions Last Week) The Power of the Word of God by J. Vernon McGee #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle for CHRISTMAS - PODCASTS @podbean ZCast & Spreaker + HEAR The CBNet Internet Network FREE Internationally On ALL Our Websites CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (811 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD!!! 

Monday, December 10, 2018

CCNM Television, The CBNet Internet RADIO Network, My BOOKS @amazonkindle & WEBSITE LINKS!!!

WATCH The Cross Culture New Mexico Television Program on 'crossculturenm' @YouTube & HEAR It ON The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Of Our WEBSITES + CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle WORLDWIDE!!!! SPREAD THE WORD!!!

CrossCultureNM 003

On A Clear Day You Can See Forever by J. Vernon McGee

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross (OVER 5,117 Impressions Last Week) On a Clear Day You Can See Forever by J. Vernon McGee #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On Our WEBSITES 24/7/365 + LISTEN to Our PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (808 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + SPREAD THE WORD!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

But God by J. Vernon McGee

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 4,171 Impressions Last Week) But God by J. Vernon McGee #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (807 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace (1,016 Connected) - LISTEN to The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Of Our WEBSITES - PODCASTS On Demand 24/7/365 +Podbean Spreaker & ZCast JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD TOO!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Is It A Sin To Drink Alcohol? by J. Vernon McGee

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 6,295 Impressions Last Week) (clip) Is it a Sin to Drink Alcohol? by J. Vernon McGee #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - PODCASTS @podbean ZCast & Spreaker HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Our WEBSITES - JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (806 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + SPREAD THE WORD TODAY TOO!!!

Friday, December 7, 2018

How Many Are The Wonderful Works Of God?

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross (OVER 7K Impressions Last Week) TIED for MOST WATCHED Q&A LAST MONTH - How Many Are The Wonderful Works Of God? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY- PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Our WEBSITES - CONNECT @livejournal Digg, StumbleUpon, MIX, Pinterest, Tumblr, Linkedin, Google+ Blogger, Reddit, VK, OK, Xing, Instagram FRIEND @facebook & MySpace JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD Too!!!  

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Who Does Jesus Tell Us To Believe In?

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross (OVER 9,255 Impressions Last Week) AND We Have A Tie (for The MOST WATCHED 'Questions & Answers' Last Month) Who Does Jesus Tell Us To Believe In? SUBSCRIBE to crossculturenm @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast LISTEN To The CBNet Internet RADIO Station On ALL Of Our WEBSITES Internationally CONNECT @livejournal Digg, StumbleUpon, MIX, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+ Blogger, Reddit, OK, Linkedin & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD Too!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Colossians 3:13

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross (OVER 9,002 Impressions Last Week) MOST WATCHED IN 64 NATIONS LAST MONTH - The Light For Today -Colossians 3:13 SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - PODCASTS 24/7/365 @podbean Spreaker & ZCast LISTEN to The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Of Our WEBSITES - CONNECT @livejournal Digg, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Tumblr, Linkedin, Google+ Blogger, Reddit, VK, Xing & OK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD!!!  

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network WORLDWIDE Free!!!

HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network WORLDWIDE Free @ ALL of These WEBSITES Internationally & SPREAD THE WORD!

The New Mexico Minute

MOST WATCHED LAST MONTH - The New Mexico Minute SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY!

Why The World Hates Christians by David Wilkerson

FOLLOW @twitter @askthepastornm @mftross "If You Wish To Approach God, You Must Come To Him Through The Cross." - Dr. J. Vernon McGee - Why The World Hates Christians by David Wilkerson #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast On Demand GLOBALLY 24/7/365 LISTEN to The ALL NEW CBNet Internet RADIO Network FREE Worldwide ON Our WEBSITES - JOIN Our Yahoo Group CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (NOW 800 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace (1,015 Connected) + SPREAD THE WORD!!!

Monday, December 3, 2018

MONDAY Night ZOOM Invitation!

HEY Everyone... here's the normal Zoom invitation with the international numbers for 7pm MT Tonight!: is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Applying The Word
Join Zoom Meeting

One tap mobile
+17207072699,,4088622707# US
+16465588665,,4088622707# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 720 707 2699 US
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Meeting ID: 408 862 2707
Worldwide number directory:

LISTEN to The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Of Our WEBSITES 24/7/365 & SPREAD THE WORD!

Who Is Guarding The Front Door Of Your Home by David Wilkerson

FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 10K Impressions Last Week) "Have you received mercy from the hand of God yet? It is there for you." Dr. J. Vernon McGee 1 Chronicles - Who Is Guarding The Front Door Of Your Home by David Wilkerson #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle INTERNATIONALLY - HEAR Our PODCASTS On demand 24/7/365 GLOBALLY - LISTEN to The CBNet Internet RADIO Network On ALL Of Our WEBSITES - CONNECT @google+ Linkin, Blogger (798 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace + JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & SPREAD THE WORD!!! 

Sunday, December 2, 2018

When God Comes Down by David Wilkerson

I Receive The Blessings Of Abraham By Faith.  Galatians 3:13-14 FOLLOW @twitter @mftross @askthepastornm (OVER 17,012 Impressions Last Week) When God Comes Down by David Wilkerson #sermonindex SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube CHECKOUT My BOOKS @amazonkindle WORLDWIDE - PODCASTS @podbean Spreaker & ZCast On Demand 24/7/365 INTERNATIONALLY - HEAR The CBNet Internet RADIO Network FREE On ALL Of Our WEBSITES - CONNECT @google+ Linkedin, Blogger (797 Blogs), Xing, OK & VK - FRIEND @facebook & MySpace JOIN Our GLOBAL Yahoo Group TODAY & SPREAD THE WORD Too!!!