Saturday, December 30, 2017

God's Will For 2018


God's Will For 2018

Blessings to all in New Mexico, across America and around the world, who have prayed faithfully with us throughout 2017!
God is faithful, by Whom you have been called, He changes not, He Is The Same, Yesterday, Today & Forever. All of His Precious Promises are Yes & Amen In Christ Jesus and He has given us everything we need to live our life unto Him.
"I tell you this now before it occurs, so that when it does take place you may be persuaded and believe that I am He [Who I say I am - the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah].
I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, he who receives and welcomes and takes into his heart any messenger of Mine receives Me [in just that way]; and he who receives and welcomes and takes Me into his heart receives Him Who sent Me [in that same way]." - Jesus
John 13:19, 20 Amplified Bible

I hope you will all join us this year, as we read (and pray) through God's Holy Word together, since His Word Is Spirit & Life. We will all be filled with His Holy Spirit and His manifest Presence, The Life of Christ will be upon, in, with and working through us wherever we go, as His Chosen People, His Workmanship, Created For Good Works In Christ Jesus, not by might or power, but by His Holy Spirit! This Month, beginning January 1, 2018, New Year's Day, read Genesis 1-50; Exodus 1-22; Psalms 1-17; Proverbs 1-3 & Matthew 1-23. Epiphany is Celebrated on Saturday, January 6 and Martin Luther King Jr. Day (U.S.) is on Monday, January 15.
Continue to pray daily for His Kingdom of Righteousness, Peace & Joy In The Holy Ghost to come and His Perfect and Acceptable Will To Be Done On Earth (Just) As It Is In The Heavenlies. I'm open and available for anyone who wants to hold a prayer event in their area of the state or who needs someone to speak at their church, conference or bible study, regarding prayer or anything else biblical, so feel free to contact me anytime.

So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with unspeakable yearnings and groanings too deep for utterance. - Romans 8:26 AMP

Mark Tross
NM Prayer Connect Coordinator
New Mexico Prayer Connect

Friday, December 29, 2017

What is the Lord's Supper?

Is baptism with water the washing away of sin itself? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube ALL NEW SERIES STARTING SATURDAY, December 30, 2017 FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin ENJOY, PASS ON & OPINE @facebook FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo & READ @blogger

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

What is baptism?

NEVER SEEN WORLDWIDE UNTIL NOW! What is baptism? What are the sacraments or ordinances?
SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter (2,712
Impressions Over The Last Week) LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin
(187 Views Of Our Last Post) OK & VK - FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo
HEAR @zcast & Podbean VISIT Our Websites + JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo

What are the sacraments or ordinances?

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

How is the Word of God to be read and heard?

What is the Lord’s Prayer? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin (185 Views of our last Post) Instagram, Snapchat, OK, VK, Reddit, Google+ Tumblr & Pinterest FOLLOW @twitter (OVER 2,579 Impressions) VIEW @vimeo + READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress!

Monday, December 25, 2017

What is the Lord’s Pray?

"A(sk)S(eek)K(nock) & YOU Shall Receive" - JESUS:  What should we pray? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube LISTEN to oud podcasts @zcast & PodBean VIEW @vimeo LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter (2,392 Impressions) READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress CONNECT @linkedin OK, VK, Reddit, Google+ Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram & Snapchat JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group VISIT Our Websites - HAVE Yourselves A Merry Little (BIG) Christmas/Messiahmas + FRIEND @myspace ! 

Sunday, December 24, 2017

What should we pray? CONNECT @linkedin OK, VK, Google+ Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram & Reddit LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress HEAR Our Podcasts @podbean & ZCast FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + VISIT Our Websites TODAY!

What should we pray? CONNECT @linkedin OK, VK, Google+ Tumblr, Pinterest, Snapchat, Instagram & Reddit LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress HEAR Our Podcasts @podbean & ZCast FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + VISIT Our Websites TODAY!

Saturday, December 23, 2017

With what attitude should we pray?

'Questions & Answers' SUBSCRIBE Today to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube & POST Your 'Questions' on 'Ask The Pastor NM' @facebook FOLLOW @twitter FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo HEAR Our Podcasts @podbean & ZCast LIKE & SHARE - JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress CONNECT @linkedin Reddit Tumblr Google+ Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, VK & OK + VISIT Our Websites TOO!

Thursday, December 21, 2017

What is Prayer?

How does the Holy Spirit help us?
SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube to WATCH 'Questions &
Answers' - POST Your 'Questions' on Ask The Pastor NM @facebook
LIKE/SHARE & FOLLOW @twitter (OVER 5,000 Impressions Last Week)
VISIT Our Websites CONNECT @linkedin Google+ Pinterest, Instagram,
Snapchat, VK, Reddit, Tumblr & OK - READ Our Writings @blogger
iPatriot & WordPress + JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY TOO!

How does the Holy Spirit help us? HEAR Our Podcasts @podbean & ZCast CONNECT @linkedin VK, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, OK, Tumblr, Reddit & Google+ READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

What do we believe about the Holy Spirit? HEAR Our Podcasts @podbean & ZCast CONNECT @linkedin VK, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, OK, Tumblr, Reddit & Google+ READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

What do we believe about the Holy Spirit?

What do we believe about the Holy Spirit? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube LISTEN to 'mftross' @PodBean & 'Mark Frederick Tross' @ZCast FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin VIEW @vimeo  READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress CONNECT @linkedin Reddit, Tumblr, OK, Google+ Pinterest, VK, Instagram & Snapchat FRIEND @myspace JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

Monday, December 18, 2017

What do we believe about the Holy Spirit?

Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, where does t... SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube VIEW @vimeo FRIEND @myspace LIKE/SHARE @facebook JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress CONNECT @linkedin Snapchat, VK, Pinterest, OK, Tumblr, Reddit, Google+ Pinterest & VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO! 

Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, where does t...

GOT (UNDER) A Minute? CONNECT @reddit Tumblr, OK, Google+ Pinterest, VK, Linkedin, Instagram & Snapchat READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites!

Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, must we stil...

Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, must we stil... SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube WATCH 'Questions & Answers' 2 SEASONS of the Cross Culture NM Television Program & MORE + LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter (OVER 4,000 Impressions this last week) CONNECT @reddit Google+ Pinterest, VK, Instagram, Snapchat, Linkedin, Tumblr & OK - READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress VIEW @vimeo + FRIEND @myspace JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Since we are redeemed by grace alone, through Christ alone, must we stil...

Should those who have faith in Christ seek their salvation through their... SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin OK, Tumblr, Reddit, Snapchat, Instagram, VK, Pinterest, Google+ FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo & READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO! 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Should those who have faith in Christ seek their salvation through their...

What do justification and sanctification mean? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube
(OVER 365 Presentations) POST Your 'Questions' & GET 'The Answer
(JESUS)' on The Ask The Pastor NM Page @facebook FOLLOW @twitter (2,812
Impressions Last Week) CONNECT @linkedin (212 Views On Our Last Post)
Reddit, Tumblr, OK , VK, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+ FRIEND
@myspace VIEW @vimeo READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our
WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

Friday, December 15, 2017

What do justification and sanctification mean?

What do we believe by true faith? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin LIKE/SHARE @facebook FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TOO!

Thursday, December 14, 2017

What do we believe by true faith?

What is faith in Jesus Christ? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin ASK 'Questions & (GET) Answers' @facebook on the Ask The Pastor NM Page LIKE/SHARE - JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TOO! 

What is faith in Jesus Christ?

What is faith in Jesus Christ? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin ASK 'Questions & (GET) Answers' @facebook on the Ask The Pastor NM Page LIKE/SHARE - JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TOO! 

What is faith in Jesus Christ?

YOU Got 'Questions?' WE Got THE 'Answer' (JESUS, The Word Of God) How can we be saved? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube POST Your 'Questions' on 'Ask The Pastor NM' @facebook FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin (103 VIEWS On Our Last POST) Tumblr, Reddit, VK, OK, Pinterest & Google+ LIKE & SHARE - FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress VISIT Our Sites today too!

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

How can we be saved?

What happens after death to those not united to Christ by faith? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin VK, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ Snapchat, OK, Reddit & Tumblr READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress FRIEND @myspave VIEW @vimeo JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group & VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO! 

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

What happens after death to those not united to Christ by faith?

Are all people, just as they were lost through Adam, saved through Christ? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin OK, Tumblr, Reddit, VK, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ Snapchat FRIEND @myspace & VIEW @vimeo READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY & VISIT Our Websites TOO!

Are all people, just as they were lost through Adam, saved through Christ? JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY - SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube LIKE/SHARE @facebook FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress VISIT Our Websites FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @vk OK, Reddit, Google+ Instagram TOO!

What else does Christ’s death redeem?

HAPPY HANUKKAH! (Begins Tonight, December 12-20) SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube & WATCH Our Hanukkah Series + Messianic Prophecies READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress CONNECT @vk OK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat & Instagram + FOLLOW @twitter !

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Does Christ’s death mean all our sins can be forgiven?

JUST POSTED! Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' & WATCH 'Questions & Answers' @YouTube + 366 Presentations - MORE Than 1 for EACH Day of The YEAR - LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin (133 Views on our last Post) FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TOO!

Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die?

NEW POST! Why must the Redeemer be truly God? WATCH 'Questions & Answers' on 'crossculturenm' @YouTube SUBSCRIBE TODAY - LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo READ @blogger !

Why was it necessary for Christ, the Redeemer, to die?

NEW POST! Why must the Redeemer be truly God? WATCH 'Questions & Answers' on 'crossculturenm' @YouTube SUBSCRIBE TODAY - LIKE/SHARE @facebook FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo READ @blogger !

Saturday, December 9, 2017

Why must the Redeemer be truly God?

NEWLY POSTED! Why must the Redeemer be truly human? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin Google+ Reddit, VK, OK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat & Instagram JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group VISIT Our Websites FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo READ @blogger & iPatriot TODAY TOO! 

Friday, December 8, 2017

Why must the Redeemer be truly human?

What sort of Redeemer is needed to bring us back to God? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube WATCH 2 SEASONS of The Cross Culture NM Television Program, Questions & Answers & MORE (356 Presentations - 1 for EVERY Day) LIKE/SHARE @facebook VIEW @vimeo FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin (142 VIEWS of our last Post) FRIEND @myspace READ @blogger JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group TODAY TOO!

Thursday, December 7, 2017

What sort of Redeemer is needed to bring us back to God?

ALL NEW! (via Who is the Redeemer? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube WATCH All 365 Presentations (1 for EVERY Day of the YEAR) FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin VIEW @vimeo & FRIEND @myspace TODAY!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Who is the Redeemer?

Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God's favor? SUBSCRIBE @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook VIEW @vimeo FRIEND @myspace CONNECT @linkedin (216 VIEWS On Our Last Post) READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress!

Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God's favor?

Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God's favor? SUBSCRIBE @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook VIEW @vimeo FRIEND @myspace READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God's favor?

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS: Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube (Watch ALL 357 Presentations - 1 for EVERY Day of The Year) FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE & ASK Your 'QUESTIONS' on our Ask The Pastor NM Page @facebook FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo CONNECT @linkedin (128 Views on our last Post) Reddit, VK, OK, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, GOOGLE+ Instagram READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished?

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS:  Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo CONNECT @linkedin Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, GOOGLE+ Instagram!

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Revive Church Live Stream 120317

What is idolatry?

SEEN in Boston, Ohio, Arkansas, MO, FL, Memphis, AZ & Alabama + 49 Countries WORLDWIDE ! What is sin? SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' @YouTube JOIN us 10am TODAY @ Revive Church 800 Polaris Blvd. Rio Rancho to hear 'The Way In The Manger' ALL Welcome, Invite Others & MONDAYS 7-9pm @ our home for Luther: Gospel, Law & Reformation CONNECT @linkedin (105 Views Of Our Last Post) Pinterest, Google+ OK - READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress + FRIEND @myspace!  

Saturday, December 2, 2017

What is sin?

COME & HEAR 'THE WAY In A Manger' @ The Star Heights Recreation Center 800 Polaris Blvd. 10AM SUNDAY @ Revive Church in Rio Rancho! Since no one can keep the law, what is its purpose? SUBSCRIBE @YouTube (WATCH 357 Presentations FREE) ASK Your 'QUESTIONS' & Get YOUR 'Answers' on Ask The Pastor NM @facebook FOLLOW @twitter CONNECT @linkedin VK, Reddit, Google+ Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat & OK - VIEW @vimeo FRIEND @myspace READ Our Writings @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group + VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

Friday, December 1, 2017

Since no one can keep the law, what is its purpose?

ALL NEW! SEEN in NM, CO, AZ, TX, TN & 49 Nations - Qs&As FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin (120 VIEWS YESTERDAY) Reddit, VK, OK, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat & Google+ FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo SUBSCRIBE @YouTube READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group VISIT Our Websites TODAY TOO!

Did God create us unable to keep the law?

Qs&As FOLLOW @twitter LIKE/SHARE @facebook CONNECT @linkedin Reddit, VK, OK, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat & Google+ FRIEND @myspace VIEW @vimeo SUBSCRIBE @YouTube READ @blogger iPatriot & WordPress JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group VISIT Our Websites TODAY!