Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Messiah Must Be Sold For 30 Pieces Of Silver!

Messiah Must Be Sold For 30 Pieces Of Silver!
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Sunday, January 24, 2016

Messiah Must Be Betrayed By A Friend!

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Monday, January 18, 2016

Messiah Must Be Undesired And Rejected By His Own

Messiah Must Be Undesired And Rejected By His Own https://youtu.be/0BYlD0Hkcrk http://crossculturenm.weebly.com SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' on YouTube!! 

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Messiah Must Be Hated Without Cause!

Messiah Must Be Hated Without Cause! https://youtu.be/m7G_3i5K1po http://crossculturenm.weebly.com The Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, Nigeria, Portugal, Italy, India, Ghana, Russia, South Africa, The United States Of America, The United Kingdom, Canada, Indonesia & Switzerland Joined us on YouTube - SUBSCRIBE to 'crossculturenm' TODAY LIKE & SHARE Our Facebook Pages FOLLOW us on Twitter & JOIN Our WORLDWIDE Yahoo Group too!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Enter Publicly Into Jerusalem On A Donkey!

Messiah Must Enter Publicly Into Jerusalem On A Donkey! https://youtu.be/Okif7EbJt6Y http://crossculturenm.weebly.com VISIT Our Prophecy Section On Cross Culture NM!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Messiah Must Be A Priest!

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Saturday, January 9, 2016

Bear The Reproaches Due Others!

Messiah Must Bear The Reproaches Due Others!
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Friday, January 8, 2016

Be Sinless And Without Guile!

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Sunday, January 3, 2016

Have A Ministry Of Healing!

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Saturday, January 2, 2016

On The Ninth Day Of Christmas by Mark Tross

On The Ninth Day Of Christmas
by Mark Tross

     For some of you, dancing is out of the question, because your doctrine does not allow it or you just do not have rhythm (which may be why you have chosen to sit under such doctrine), but be that as it may, nine ladies dancing is not always a bad thing, although it depends on who you ask and what the actual setting is.  In this instance we are stuck between 10 Lords a Leaping and 8 Maids a Milking.  There is much left to the imagination here, since the writer of this loved (and hated) Christmas tune has left us somewhat in the dark, instead of leading us into The Light.  We have no idea why the Lords are Leaping or what exactly the Maids are Milking.  Are they leaping for Joy or did they step on a sharp object left under the tree? Those who have seen the movie, Meet The Parents, might still be wondering what is getting milked here.

     Dance of the merry-makers from the (minor) prophet Zechariah always comes to my mind, but David danced before The LORD and whatever we do is to be done, as unto The Lord! God dances over us, according to Holy Script and we are one with Him, so as no respecter of persons, I am more than certain that He would not hold it against us to go and do likewise.  Moses sang, while women danced and played their timbrels or tamborines (being under The Law, this surely could have been an issue), David played the harp, caught it from his wife for dancing in the streets and threw a mean stone with his slingshot too.  Trumpets/Shofars were blown, Cymbals were clanged (along with other instruments used in Temple worship), those in Heaven cast down their golden crowns at the feet of Jesus and even the trees of the field sway and clap their hands!

      What does all of this have to do with Christmas? I know the little drummer boy is not mentioned in The Bible, but we do know that John The Baptist (literally:  the baptizer) leapt for joy and was filled with the Holy Spirit, while still in his mother’s womb, after Mary came to give Elizabeth The Good News Of Jesus/Yeshua/Salvation! We know He was born, probably in The Spring, because, as The Lamb Of God, lambs are only born during that season.  How do you celebrate the birth, life, death, resurrection and Second Coming of Jesus Christ/Messiah/The Anointed One? Hopefully with at least a little spring in your step.  Every day should be a celebration of Him, whether it’s Christmas, Resurrection Sunday (Easter), Passover, because He is our Passover Lamb, Tabernacles, because He came to dwell (tabernacle) among us and we will be celebrating this feast day of The Lord forever, according to Zechariah and Revelation.  As Immanuel/Emanuel/God With Us (literally:  With Man Is God), Jesus promised to be with us always! All of God’s Promises are Yes and Amen, In Christ, plus always and forever is a long, long time, to be in The Presence Of God.  Now that is Good News! Is not that something to sing and dance about?

Mark Tross

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